100640 | BELGIUM & THE NETHERLANDS. "De Landbouw" bronze Medal.
100640 | BELGIUM & THE NETHERLANDS. Bronze Medal. Issued 1906. The Belgo-Dutch Society of the Friends of Medallic Art: De Landbouw (Agriculture), issue 8 (65mm, 119.48 g, 12h). By L. Zijl.
Two horses right, pulling wagon; SIC VOS NON VOBIS (And thus it is not for you, but for me...) / Two oxen left, pulling plow; DUCITE ARATRA BOVES (...o oxen, that the fields are plowed). Edge: Plain.
Choice Mint State. Attractive reddish-brown surfaces.
The Société hollando-belge des amis de la médaille d'art, similar to American series such as the Circle of Friends of the Medallion, the Society of Medalists, and even the still-active Brookgreen Gardens issues, was an annual series of medallic art, each featuring different designs and themes by some of the most acclaimed sculptors and engravers in Belgium and the Netherlands. The series produced numerous medals from 1901-1920, eventually becoming Les amis de la médaille d’art, active from 1920-1959.
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