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101250 | CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Czech Artists' Forum cast silvered tin award Medal.

  • Details

    101250  |  CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Czech Artists' Forum uniface cast silvered tin award Plaque. Issued 1910 (240x99mm). By V. Novák.


    Triptych, with central panel containing bust of Svatopluk Čech left; below, SVĚTLÉ PAMÁTCE NEZA, / POMENUTELNÉHO ČESKÉ, / HO NÁRODNÍHO PĚVCE– / HLASATELE PRAVDY, KRÁ / SY, SVOBODY A LIDSTVÍ– / BUDITELE NÁRODDNÍHO / CITU; VĚNUJE / > UMĚLECKÁ BESEDA < / V PRAZE in nine lines; to left, nude male on knees to left, clutching at chest; rising sun and foliage in background; TU RUKA VZPJATÁ POUTEM / POZATŘESE A RTOVÉ ZA- / CHVĚJÍ SE: VOLNOSTI! in three lines; to right, nude female on knees to right, raising hand to shield eyes; ship under sail in background; BUĎ POZDRAVENA HROMNYM / SYNA PLESEM, SLÁVIE MÁTI! in two lines. Blank, though some glue residue is evident from removal from its wood backing.


    Essentially as made. Deep charcoal gray surfaces, with a few scattered marks. A massive and very attractive Art Nouveau work of medallic art, measuring over 9" long and nearly 4" tall.


    The Umělecká beseda was a Czech artists' forum that spanned over a century, being formed in 1863 and disbanded in 1972. Before its decline and falling out of favor under communism, it served as a cultural community for all forms of art, such as literature, music, and fine art.


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