101601 | SWEDEN. Bror Holmberg bronze Medal.
101601 | SWEDEN. Bror Holmberg bronze Medal. Issued 1974. Commemorating the life of the chemist and professor (45mm, 29.85 g, 12h). By L. Holmgren.
BROR • HOLMBERG • NAT • MDCCCLXXXI • OB • MCMLXVI / • SOCIO • MERITISS • R • ACAD • SCIENT • SUEC • MCMLXXIV •, capped bust right, smoking pipe / SULPURIS • ET • LIGNI • NATURAM • ET • ATOMORUM • POSITIONEM • EXPLICUIT (he explained the nature of sulphur and trees, along with the position of their atoms), alchemical symbol of sulphur, a tree, and a ball-and-stick representation of a Walden inversion. Edge: MV BRONS 1974.
Gem Mint State. Olive-brown surfaces, with a charming matte nature.
A professor of chemistry in Sweden, Bror Holmberg studied organic sulphur compounds as well as stereochemistry, where he was particularly important to the understanding of the Walden inversion. This medal features a variety of his research facets upon the reverse. In 1966, a prize medal was instituted by the Svenska Kemisamfundet (Swedish Chemical Society) for outstanding chemical research.
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