101704 | GREAT BRITAIN. "Prisoner of Conscience" cast bronze Medal.
101704 | GREAT BRITAIN. "Prisoner of Conscience" cast bronze Medal. Issued 1989 for the British Art Medal Society (113mm, 12h). By I. Rank-Broadley at the Royal mint in Llantrisant.
Nude male seated facing, shackled and crouched over with hand on head / Nude male right, with broken shackles still on hands fully free. Edge: Plain.
The Medal, no. 15. As cast. Deep brown surfaces with lighter highlights. An interesting and fairly scarce piece, from an issue of just 85 pieces.
A powerful statement, the bound figure on the obverse represents not only man’s inhumanity to his fellow man but of "man cramped by his own lack of imagination and damned by his conscience." The unfettered athlete on the reverse stands in stark contrast, showing man's ability when allowed to realize his potential.
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