101918 | HUNGARY. Semmelweis Ignác cast bronze Medal.
101918 | HUNGARY. Semmelweis Ignác cast bronze Medal. Issued circa 1965. Commemorating the life of the famous physician and scientist (94mm, 4h). By Búza B.
SEMMELWEIS IGNÁC FÜLÖP / 1818–1865, bare head right / MAGYAR NŐORVOS TÁRSASÁG (Hungarian Society of Gynecologists), fetus within the womb. Edge: Polished and with some filing marks as made, otherwise plain.
Csoma 551. Essentialy as cast. Tan-brown surfaces. Highly interesting type and rather rare.
Semmelweis is commonly referred to as the "savior of mothers" on account of his discovering the connection between the marked decrease of puerperal (childbed) fever and simply disinfecting one's hands in obstetrics. At the time, this breakthrough was not widely recognized and was even ridiculed by many of his contemporaries. Sadly, he was committed to an asylum at the age of just 47 due to an alleged breakdown, succumbing to injuries sustained there merely two weeks later. Posthumously, his revelations were resoundingly recognized and helped save countless lives.
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