102136 | GERMANY & the ENTENTE. "For how much longer?" cast iron Medal.
102136 | GERMANY & the ENTENTE. "For how much longer?" cast iron Medal. Issued 1917. "Wie lange noch?"—on Germany wondering for how much longer the Entente can put up a fight (85mm, 147.63 g, 1h). By K. Goetz in München.
WIE LANGE NOCH? (For how much longer?), skeleton, wearing British cap and holding hourglass, standing left and taking the pulse of fallen giant (Russia) reclining to left, crushing the other Allies beneath him; monkey, clutching giant’s head, looking at hourglass in horror / GUT GEBRÜLLT, LÖWE! 1917 (well bellowed, lion!), British soldier seated facing, holding salver draped with ripped banner of the United States and holding medallions naming American possessions; on salver stand or sit figures of the Neutrals (Spain, China, Netherlands, Scandinavia, and Switzerland); at feet, broken statue of Pallas-Athena (representing Greece) lying upon the floor. Edge: Some filing marks as made.
Kienast 198. Mint State. Charcoal gray-olive surfaces, with some lighter hues scattered about.
As the Great War ground into its third full year, German bewilderment continued to grow, further disenchanted with American involvement. In this piece, Goetz alludes to Russia's internal distractions, with the abdication of Czar Nikolai (Nicholas) II and the Revolution led by the Bolsheviks. Russia would eventually bow out of the war on account of this strife, but America would more than make up for her departure, leading to Germany's defeat toward the end of the next year.
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