102496 | UNITED STATES & GERMANY. America's Peace Terms cast bronze Medal.
102496 | UNITED STATES & GERMANY. America's Peace Terms cast bronze Medal. Dated 1918. "Wilsons Botschaft, Die 14 Punkte"—on the occasion of President Wilson's "Fourteen Points" speech before a joint session of Congress (58mm, 79.03 g, 12h). By K. Goetz in München.
WILSON’S BOTSCHAFT, half-length figure of Woodrow Wilson reaching over globe, pointing to tablet inscribed with fourteen points // WELTFRIEDENS PROGRAMM (world peace program), eagle with wings spread, grasping in claws a tablet inscribed with four additional points; scales behind, five orbs of fire raining from above. Edge: Minor mark as made, otherwise plain.
Kienast 203; Klose –; Art of Devastation p. 276, fig. 71. Gem Mint State. Pleasing brown surfaces, with a great matte aspect.
On 8 January 1918, Woodrow Wilson delivered a speech to Congress in which he outlined his Fourteen Points, a post-war plan for peace in Europe. Allies widely distributed copies of the speech behind German lines to encourage Germany to surrender, with the expectation that fair terms would be reached. The terms of surrender ultimately changed, however, and called for crushing penalties that shocked Germans and inspired Goetz to create this satirical medal.
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